
Wednesday, April 25, 2012


yeah i know this early but i think i'll be posting the photos from now on on wendsdays and thursdays. these are from an exhibit at a museaum in california we went to last summer. what? they said no flash photography. i didn't take these with my flash camera. i don't want to put the dead stuff up i'll let coyo do that sense he took pictures of dead stuff there, not me.
 miyan temple ... they sacrafice living people moring and night in those.
 miyan stone thingy .... i don't want to know the translation to be honest
 another miyan stone carving .... i think the translation of their writing (looks alot like drawing to me) is about a god for this.
 they have a legend about a tree that goes to the under world to the gods domain ... kind of like norwiegen myth lore ... or was it sweden ...

 thier simblys for south, west, and east. i think the words they used for those that is on the bottom of the stones is made up and not the real words. these people where legend for a thousand years so they can't be right.
 something to with draco (dragon god) and some other god.

turtle constalation ..... words to blury to make out.
   still trying to talk to coyo. he starting to talk but not much.

1 comment:

  1. Draco Malfoy is a Dragon God?! XO Jk. =3
