
Monday, April 23, 2012


so like i said i got no pics of zuko i can put up but i got a lot of random pics. don't worry i won't post all 456 only 147 for now. each week to keep it easy i well put up new types of pictures to space them out. this week is easter! read the captions below the photos or just look at the photos.
(\oDo/) i got to hide the eggs!! ovo how evil can i be to my little cousins? it in an umbrella.
 0.o how did she get the umbrella egg?
oDo yay!! they found all 24 eggs!!
                    hope you liked this. next week is either coyos drawing, nature stuff, or really old and dead things! coyo still not talking. glade to see he blogged though. on wizard1o1 he usually at triton ave. or pet pavillion. no grauntee he well friend you or talk (let alone chat with out cusing along the line or not be a little rude). -.- he likes fighting the kraken alone. still don't know how he beats that thing at level 9 without healing spells. ~ wolf

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