
Sunday, May 13, 2012

annoying things on aj people say/do

phrases i find on aj that bug the hell out of me are(not in order):
ALL (fill in with a gender or spieces) TO MY DEN
(fill in with a gender or spieces)ONLY AT MY DEN
(fill in with a word) HORSE PACK/CLAN AT (give location)
I NEED A (fill in with a gender)
trade me your (item you are wearing that is clearly not on your trade list)
*going up to someone and doing heart -they say i'm taken *heart person cries
*look exactly like you on purpose even your name tag
*flash trades
*beg for items and gems
*cry when people don't do what they want them to do or say
*say bro in every chat bubble or every other chat bubble
BE MY (mom/dad)
*cry when things don't always go your way
I NEED (fill in with item)
more to come


  1. I hate it when people try and force you into roleplaying and when they repeateldy ask people for items that they're wearing without checking to see if it is on their trade list. -.- I don't know why, but it just bugs the heck out of me!
    (By the way, when we were talking about Fairy Tail earlier, you can tell your brother that he better watch it in japanese because the english Dub SUCKS. My sister is watching it in dub and their voices are all nasally. Take it from the fairy tail nerd who has watched all 130 episodes so far. XD)

    1. where did you find all the episodes? the website i'm watching it on only has 48 and i can't find any other websites with it legally (all illegal ones from sites were removed)
      ~Blue Stripes
